ADA certified

Current playground safety standards are unsafe

Playground equipment and facilities constructed or altered on or after March 15, 2012, must comply with the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. This also includes safety surfacing that allows easy entry, access, mobility and exit for the play area and the elements within it. 


Our rubber mulch has been tested and proven to meet the ADA regulations under ASTM F1951 (Standard Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment)


The objective method of testing involves a test rehabilitation wheelchair with pneumatic rear tires and front wheels is used to measure the average work per foot values for straight propulsion and for turning on a test surface. Forces applied to the pushrims are measured and used to calculate the work per foot value for each trial. These values are then compared to the average work per foot values for straight propulsion and for turning on a hard, smooth surface with a grade of 7.1%. Surfaces with work per foot values at or below the measures taken for a surface at 7.1% are classified as accessible.